So, last week Corrado Pesce died in a very brutal way in Patagonia.
How can he deserved such a death ?
Though the circumstances were natural, they were still very shocking.
And the casualties could have been higher since his partner, Tomás Aguiló, was seriously injured in the accident, but was fortunately able to shortly assist Korra Pesce, raise the alarm, and was then able to be saved.
First, there is a fundraiser opened to help the family Corrado Pesce left behind him. Those who want to help can participate at :
Second, the circumstances were very sad and shocking. Corrado Pesce (Italia) and Tomás Aguiló (Argentina) managed to open a remarkable new route on the daunting northern face of Cerro Torre. If 27th of january 2022 was an great day for world climbing, alpinism and for andinism, the following day was, sadly, a day of dismay and of shock.
From the 25th to the 27th of january two ! parties (the italian-argentinian party, and an italian party : Matteo Della Bordella, David Bacci, Matteo De Zaiacomo) managed to open two new routes (historical) on Cerro Torre's northern face : one party climbing all along this same face, while the other one was overcoming the famous english dihedral, before both parties combined their efforts in the upper parts of the routes. They reached the summit at around 5 PM. Matteo Della Bordella reported that Corrado Pesce played a leading role in the success of his party, and helped a lot both parties.
Then, while the italians spent the night at the summit, the italo-argentinian party decided to rappel down the northern face, hoping the cold of the night would help them to make their return safer. While they had reached a spot where they had left equipments, and while they were taking some rest, they were « struck by a huge volley of rock and ice » which seriously injured both Korra Pesce and Tomi Aguiló. Then the argentian climber managed to get down lower, to be rescued by some climbers* who reached him, and to give them informations to make an attempt to reach Korra Pesce. Unfortunately, said attempt was unsuccessful, in addition to be exhausting. Though Korra Pesce was located with difficulty (drone), he couldn’t be reached, while, concurrently, the weather was getting very difficult (and while the italian climber was remaining severely hurt and barely protected from cold for hours).
* including, inexhaustively, Matteo Della Bordella, Roger Schäli, Thomas Huber, Roberto Treu, etc.
Third, OK, the circumstance were natural, they were unusual but possible. But what a misfortune.
Fourth, due to circumstances worldwide, there are fewer climbers in Patagonia than usual. Especially, fewer foreign climbers as usual. Nevertheless in january 2022 there were two deads in two weeks, and two people severally injured in two weeks… Earlier the german mountain guide Robert Grasegger perished, while his partner Anna Truntschnit was severely injured below Aguja Guillaumet, due to rock fall and snowslide. Usually, climbers die in Patagonia from exhaustion (slowness) and then hypothermia. Rockfalls also kill (Carlyle Norman, Chad Kellogg, etc.). But it’s not as regular as in the beginning of this year. Let’s hope the, already awful, succession of tragedy is finished for the current austral summer.
Fifth : well, the legend/myth of Cerro Torre gets bigger. A lot of things are disappearing in Patagonia, or are, regrettably, fading, or getting smaller or softer. And then such a terrible tragedy gets the legend higher… How preferable it would be that the myth is not fueled by death, of valuable and cherished people.
In the yet legendary North Face of Patagonia. Already the theater (real or fictional) of dramas, quests, successes, etc.
(Sixth : the year of Mwono ? Has he crossed the icefield to release his malfeasance on the eastern side of the cordillera ?)
More informations on :
Rest in Peace Corrado Pesce
Rest in Peace Robert Grasegger

eastern (left) and northern (right) faces of Cerro Torre
( © archive Dubosquet )