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In many places of the Andes cordillera of southern Patagonia the products of tectonism, magmatism, of the diachronic actions of meteorological elements, and the contemporary floristic compositions or vegetation structures, make some sectors especially delightful, ravishing, powerfully moving in terms of aesthetics, and even sometimes enchanting or bewitching. Their beauties are often heightened by changes occuring seasonally, or are simply raised locally by the presences of landscapes elements such as lakes, streams, waterfalls, etc..

This gallery offers photographs of picturesque mountainscapes of the heart of southern patagonian Andes.

It must however be taken into consideration that noticeable changes have occured since a little bit more than one century, their number having been significantly increased during the last decades. Cordillera and high cordillera sectors are at the same time the districts where anthropic interventions and transformations are the most difficult to operate, and the places where the evolutions are nevertheless the most striking. During the last decades, for economical reasons, the magnitude of changes has accelerated spectacularly, to such an extent that the landscapes visible on some photographs taken one decade ago have just been modified to a marked degree, and some of their most important elements/components have dwindled or even have mostly disappeared... Glaciers, ice or rime covers, being the first ones.
Unfortunately some of the following photographs are allready testimonies of what andean landscapes of patagonian cordillera were just few years ago…

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