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To summarize our current policy :


We're open to provide photographs*, most of the time for free**, to those :

  • who produce/provide/share (or produced/provided/shared) knowledge about the region (scientifical (lato sensu) or historical)***,

  • who write/wrote History (in the field (mountains, rock faces, ice fields, etc.), or in literature),

  • to those who have fed/supplied/provided the litterature we read during our bibliographical work.


For example, we're open to provide photographs to :

  • scientists/historians (especially those whose names or laboratories are mentioned in the links or in our bibliography), 

  • alpine journals,

  • mountaineers, alpinists, andinists,

  • explorers (true ones, serious ones...)(ice fields, etc.).


* said photographs will be in a reduced size (not in full resolution, of course)


** most of the time photographs will be provided for free, except in very rare exceptions (and we might arbitrarily decide to refuse to provide photographs).
However it'll be compulsory to mention the following credits :
© Jean-Noël Dubosquet,

on the photograph itself, or immediately under it.

(URL mention is compulsory)


If your expedition is/was super-heavily sponsored, we may ask a fee or we may simply refuse to provide photographs. We'll surely refuse if some mechanical means were massively used for different purposes (progression/drilling, transportation, aerial shooting/filming over (alledgedly...) protected areas, etc.).


*** we don't consider documentaries as sources of (reliable) knowledge. Not only no knowledge is produced, but moreover, often a substantial proportion of the knowledge which is provided in these works is distorted, misrepresented, inaccurate, erroneous, or false... (on some topics or to some degree)(examples are overabundant, exceptions are scarce (one example, among many, is discussed here)).



We'll mainly provide photographs for illustrations of written works (usually : not for websites (but there may be some exceptions (ask))).

An abstract of the related work, links to older publications, or a description of ascent or exploration undertaken, may be asked, before we accept to provide illustrations.
Later your works/achievements should be advertised on this website.


Our licensing policy is still to be decided or specified in several fields. Check for updates.



We may accept to collaborate with commercial companies (outdoor sports ?, photography ?, etc.) :

  • for their advertising,

  • or for the production of some collections, provided it leads to nice products (through creative use or adaptation of JND photographical work).

We'll study requests case by case.


Our personal ethics lead us to exclude the supplying of photographs (even for a fee) to :

  • any institution participating or having been implied in the transformation of natural areas of southern Patagonia (especially : allegedly protected ones) for blatant mercantile reasons (APN, maybe CONAF, etc.),

  • any actor of tourism industry in Patagonia, or worldwide,

  • press/magasines/etc. (about hiking, trekking, photography, travel, etc.), media, etc., promoting tourism (directly or indirectly)(at our (arbitrary) judgment).

(Tompkins Conservation may be an exception)​


We shall refuse to provide photographs to : NGOs or institutions whose claimed/alleged/putative conservative actions are ambiguous, sometimes (or often) obviously damaging (and in some fields, or to some extent, obviously imbued with duplicity, hypocrisy, tartuffery)(BD).
We'll study requests case by case.
We may, however, provide to some institutions (APN, CONAF, etc.) translations in french or corrections, for free, of their booklets (about tourists behaviours in "protected" areas), in order to prevent further harms to the yet greatly transformed and substantially damaged natural areas they manage (JND).




Quote our works if you use our ideas.

Copyright, all rights reserved. Photographs are not to be reproduced without prior written permission of JND

© 2021 by

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