A collaborator (BD) and myself have been working on some topics related to southern Patagonia for years.
500th anniversary (1520-2020) of the "discovery" of the region could have been the time for the release of a lot of our finished written works about southern Patagonia.
It wasn't, due to special circumstances worldwide.
It was postponed sine die.
Currently this website offers a glimpse of some of the photographic works of JND.
Much better and much worse photographic content shall be published later.
Hopefully written works will be offered at a later stage.
Dozens of videos, recorded over the years, often in unfrequented (high) places, are archived too. Time will tell if they'll make their way to the web.
The current bibliography of JND can be found here.




Academic to some degree, from a french speaking country*.
Mountaineer, photographer, researcher, to some degrees.
In charge of photographic, bibliographic, translation and synthesis works in the fields of History & Geography lato sensu (i.e. history, ethnology, anthopology, exploration, andinism, geography, geology, meteorology, etc.).
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I'm one of the rare people who have a real in-depth knowledge on the region and of some of its parts. Cf. my bibliography and my photographs. But I chose to remain unknown and to archive my work for years...
My values :
knowledge (through substantial bibliography, through hiking and scrambing all over some (vast) sectors),
field experience (to deal with terrain (4 seasons, day & night) and weather),
ability, autonomy (in mountain and in nature),
craftsmanship (in one art).
In particular :
I know most access (already known, or not) to many frequented and unfrequented places (in some sectors),
I know where to find some elusive mammals, birds of prey, scavengers, in particular,
I read most of the literature about the region, and I'm monitoring the new publications on a broad spectrum.
I especially care about :
heritage conservation,
wild nature preservation.
(unfeigned, unequivocal, effective, truly harmless to places & species...)
I'm especially sensitive to :
natural beauty
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For the time being we want to remain anonymous. So don't ask us who we are or if we already met.
What serious purpose will it serve to know who I'm or who we are ?
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* list of french speaking european countries : Belgium, France, Luxemburg, Switzerland.
We took the decision to write our texts and books in the best possible french of France. French/original french is very rich and this choice allows us to learn even more about this language (+ in greek & latin).
Academic to some degree, from a french speaking country.
Mountaineer and researcher to some extent.
In charge of works in some non-consensual fields...
We'll be open to collaborations (later).