in the current circumstances this website is a photographic website, a gallery. Another website will remain offline as long as necessary. You already have the possibility to enjoy nice photographs, as well as some unique or exceptional ones, and you also have the possibility to purchase some fine art prints.
Please note that it's not my (our) intention to promote tourism in this region. Unfortunately it should be a harmful collateral/side effect of the existence of this website and of its photographic content. Some parts of Patagonia are obviously overcrowded, overexploited, they've been badly transformed and noticeably damaged. Moreover, people who read the literature about the region know that the Myth itself is in a very bad shape, if not in a critical condition, moribund, or already dead. So, for the region and the Myth, it's simply just a very bad idea to spur more people to visit/experience the little which remains of genuine Patagonia... Nevertheless, for the time being, some long works on these topics, written with a collaborator, will remain offline and unpublished as long as necessary.
A blog platform is used to gradually provide complementary informations and explanations about photographs, photography, Patagonia, don't hesitate to visit it from time to time.
Enjoy the current content,
Jean-Noël Dubosquet
(lien vers la version française)
N.B. Website version for smartphones works but is not completely finalized. It's much preferable to browse the website from a computer.
So, currently the content of this website is only galleries.
Substantial archive of nature photographs taken during last decades, as well as best and (still) innovative works (though archived for years), will gradually be made available to public.
Click on the following link to watch them.